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For example, if the scope is a specified OU, running the report will list management history for every object in the OU even if it has had no management operations in the specified timeframe. Is there a way to modify this report so objects that have not had any recent modifications are excluded from the report results?

by (120 points)

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by (274k points)
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Yes, it is possible. To achieve the desired behavior, remove the below code parts from the script used to generate the report:

$noRecords = $True
$noRecords = $False
# If there are no records, add <No records> item
if ($noRecords -eq $True)
    if ($NULL -eq $styleNoRecords)
        $styleNoRecords = $Context.Items.CreateItemStyle("#3d3d3d", $NULL,
    $Context.Items.Add(-1, "<No records>", "Information", $columnValues, $styleNoRecords)

This worked perfectly, thank you!

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