0 votes

Aiming to go passwordless, this is a must-have

by (20 points)

1 Answer

0 votes
by (274k points)


Thank you for the suggestion. We forwarded it to the corresponding department for consideration.


Hello, has this been considered? It would be great if we could increase our Security with it from the beginning of user lifecycle.



Currently, we are investigating possible approaches for implementing the feature. Unfortunately, there is no ETA.


Please make this feature available in future versions. Or better yet, pleae provide some workaround note/script to accomplish this.



Unfortunately, currently we cannot confirm whether the feature will be available. As for workarounds, we do not have anything on that, but you can try contacting Microsoft support for assistance. Using a script is definitely the only way if possible.


We would also be very interested in this feature, please consider for a future release.



Thank you for your input. We added a plus 1 for the feature on your behalf.

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