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I'm trying to add a second tenant to my Adaxes setup, but I'm getting an error of insufficient privileges to complete the operation. image.png

I'm using an account with full administrative rights in Adaxes and the secret is definitely right, what am I missing?



by (2.0k points)

In case this helps others, it looks like Microsoft may have made some changes to Role assignment, at least in my tenants. I don't see an option to assign a role to an enterprise application any longer, the application just doesn't show up in either of my tenants, though I have previously assigned the roles in my live tenant.

To get round this, I have had to create a new security group in Entra and ensure that roles can be assigned to the group image.png

From there, I needed to add the enterprise application, and assign the roles to the group.

1 Answer

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by (274k points)
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Best answer

Hello Matt,

Adaxes permissions are not related to the issue in any way. It occurs because the app whose credentials you specify does not have the required permissions in Entra ID (former Azure AD). For details on the required permissions and roles, have a look at sections Add API permissions (pay attention to the admin consent part) and Assign roles to the app of the following help article: https://www.adaxes.com/help/RegisterAdaxesAsAppMicrosoftAzure.


Thanks, I thought that the API permissions had replaced the need for the app to be added to a role ‍

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