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I am trying to export a list of all active/enabled users, how can you do it with get-admuser?

by (50 points)

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by (216k points)
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The syntax is almost the same:

Import-Module Adaxes
Get-AdmUser -Filter '(Enabled -eq $True)'


How can you run -searchbase to multiple OU's?

I tried to run -Searchbase "OU=x, OU=x, OU=x, DC=X, DC=X", "OU=x, OU=x, OU=x, DC=X, DC=X""

but gets error cannot convert 'system.object to the type system string required by parameter 'searchbase'. specified methor not supported



It is not possible to pass multiple OUs as the search base. Use the following script to achieve what you want:

Import-Module Adaxes

$ouDNs = @("OU=Sales,OU=Users,DC=example,DC=com", "OU=IT,OU=Users,DC=example,DC=com")

$allusers = @()
foreach ($dn in $ouDNs)
    $allusers += Get-AdmUser -Filter '(Enabled -eq $True)' -SearchBase $dn -SearchScope Subtree

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