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Scripts repository


Automatically update SIP address

This script automatically sets a user's SIP address the same as the primary SMTP address.
February 18, 2021 Views: 7985

Users whose e-mail address has been recently changed

This script creates and emails a CSV report containing users whose e-mail address has been recently changed.
February 18, 2021 Views: 4516

Prohibit changing Exchange mailbox addresses except the primary SMTP address

The script can be used to prohibit changes in any addresses of an Exchange mailbox except the primary SMTP address
February 18, 2021 Views: 1930

Deny pending Approval Requests to perform operations on object

This script denies pending Approval Requests to perform operations on an Active Directory object.
February 18, 2021 Views: 2417

Update Microsoft 365 services enabled for user to match tenant configuration

The script updates Microsoft 365 services enabled for user to match tenant configuration.
February 18, 2021 Views: 2373

Check if the property is empty before modification

The script checks the property being modified and returns true if it is currently empty.
February 18, 2021 Views: 809

Add new allowed property value to a property pattern

The script adds a new value to the list of values allowed for a property by a property pattern and sorts all the values in alphabetical order.
February 18, 2021 Views: 1620

Export user information to SQL database

The script exports properties of a user to an SQL database.
February 18, 2021 Views: 4472

Members of local computer group

The script emails a report containing members of a local computer group
February 18, 2021 Views: 1232

Self-Service Password Resets

Scripts that generate report on password resets via Adaxes Password Self-Service.
February 18, 2021 Views: 3572

Users Blocked for Password Self-Service

Scripts to export reports on users blocked for Password Self-Service.
February 18, 2021 Views: 1957

Import user photo

The script imports a user's photo into Active Directory from a file.
February 18, 2021 Views: 3232

Remove all trustees from Full Access list

The script removes all the trustees from the Full Access list of a mailbox.
February 18, 2021 Views: 1054

Import user information from SQL database

The script updates user accounts in Active Directory based on information in an SQL database. If a user does not have an account in Active Directory, the script will create it based on the information available in the database.
February 18, 2021 Views: 7301

Remove values of a multivalued property using regular expressions

The script removes values matching a regular expression from a multi-valued property.
February 18, 2021 Views: 4140

Export mailbox archive to PST

A script to export the content of an Exchange mailbox archive to a Personal Storage Table (PST) file.
February 18, 2021 Views: 5532

Copy user properties and group membership

The script allows copying values of properties and group membership from a user to another user.
February 18, 2021 Views: 4406

Disable remote mailbox

The script disables remote mailbox for the user.
February 22, 2021 Views: 2876

Use property of user accounts to store names of assigned Conferencing Policies

The script gets the Conferencing Policy assigned to a user in Lync and saves it to a property of the user account. This can be used to quickly view which policies are assigned to which users.
February 22, 2021 Views: 1959

Request users to approve adding their managed objects and subordinates to group

The script can be used to request approval of a manager or owner of an AD object before adding it to a group.
February 22, 2021 Views: 1829

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