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Good morning,

I'm trying to process a search and export using the Adaxes console to create a list of users using specific criteria. I've been able to process this before but now when I try to export I receive the following error and the job is cancelled


Please advise on how I might proceed in addressing this issue.

by (680 points)


For troubleshooting purposes, please, provide us with all the steps you take to reproduce the error. Screenshots would be much appreciated. You can post them here or send us at support@adaxes.com. If any filters are used in the criteria, please, provide them in text format.



the only filter I apply is using a custom property "Employee IF is not empty"

When I process the export I only select the following properties:

Employee ID First Name Last Name Full Name Job Title

I also remove all the DN suffix image.png

This query returns 585 objects, fetched the data then shows it as being cancelled. I was able to get this to process in the past, not sure what the difference is this time.



For further troubleshooting, please, post here or send us at support@adaxes.com screenshots of each step of the Export Data wizard. On step 3 of the wizard, copy the search filter you are using and provide it in the TXT format. image.png

Additionally, please, specify your Adaxes service version. For information on how to check it, have a look at the following help article: https://www.adaxes.com/help/CheckServiceVersion.


Service Version : 3.14.18802.0

Below is the steps I'm taking to process this export:

I first start by processing a search based on the employeeID image.png

I then select all the users located with this search and select Export

  1. image.png
  2. image.png
  3. image.png
  4. image.png
  5. image.png
  6. image.png

It then processes the command fetches all the data, then fails.



Thank you for the provided details. Unfortunately, we are not able to reproduce the behavior. For further troubleshooting, please, specify the following:

  • Is Microsoft Excel installed on the computer where Adaxes service runs?
  • Please, try to export several users out of 585 found users. Do you face the error in this case?
  • Do you face the error if you specify the CSV export file format on step 1 of the Export Data wizard?


so I'm able to process this with a .csv

There is no office installed on this server, does the office suite need to be installed for this functionality to work to a .xlsx

1 Answer

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by (11.4k points)


Thank you for specifying. Yes, to be able to export to XLSX format, Microsoft Excel must be installed on the computer where the Adaxes Administration console runs.

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