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We have a potential use-case to connect our existing Adaxes install to a secondary AD domain (over a "VPN" with no IP broadcast availability).

I know managing multiple AD's is supported, but am not sure if\how we can manaually identify the remote DC's to use if we cannot perform a network broadcast etc to find them?

Ultimately we need to be able to connect to a remote domain by selecting the domain and defining a set DC to connect to intially and for all future actions.


by (1.6k points)

1 Answer

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by (274k points)
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Adaxes connects to AD via the LDAP protocol. When locating a suitable domain controller for a domain that can be accessed via the LDAP protocol, Adaxes needs to access Service (SRV) DNS Records for the specified domain. If the SRV records are available through your VPN, there should be no issues registering the domain. For details about SRV records, check the following article: https://technet.microsoft.com/en-us/lib ... 61719.aspx.

Also, for information on the ports that should be open, check the following FAQ article: What ports does Adaxes use?.

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