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User is trying to amend the account expiry date on another user account.

User has done this many times in the past - only difference is this is a new OU.

Adaxes service account has the necessary permissions to the OU so I can't see why this is happening


by (20 points)

1 Answer

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by (274k points)


Are you sure you are able to perform the very same operation in Adaxes while logged in with the credentials of the Adaxes service account (specified during Adaxes installation)? If that is correct, the account in questions just does not have the required permissions on users in the new OU granted by Adaxes security roles. For your information, Adaxes ignores native AD permissions. Most probably, the roles the account has are explicitly assigned to certain OUs, but not the one in question. For details on how to check the roles assigned to a user, see https://www.adaxes.com/help/ViewAssignedSecurityRoles.

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