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I'd like to enter an LDAP string in the Target Object selection to allow managers in Self Service to search for staff in a variety of OU's
I've tried to use the string where the manager of the person will be available for searching by the Web User but this hasn't worked.

The OU's I have are in the formats of
OU=Standard Users,OU=User Accounts,DC=Domain,DC=organisation,DC=co,DC=uk
OU=Power Users,OU=User Accounts,DC=Domain,DC=organisation,DC=co,DC=uk
OU=Manager Users,DC=Domain,DC=organisation,DC=co,DC=uk
So I can't use a subset of a top level OU.

An answer to both types of query or either would be great.

by (150 points)

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by (275k points)
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Hello Alan,

There is no such possibility.
As a workaround, you can create two Home Page Actions. One for the OU=User Accounts,DC=Domain,DC=organisation,DC=co,DC=uk container and one for the OU=Manager Users,DC=Domain,DC=organisation,DC=co,DC=uk. In this case, you will need to use the Allow selecting only AD objects located under a specific OU or container option.


I thought I might be able to create an LDAP filter such as in the attachment or enter an LDAP filter which would allow the manager to search all staff in any of the stated OU's.
Would a similar LDAP filter for manager=%username% not work?


Hello Alan,

No, this filter will not work, because the manager property requires DN syntax. If you want to allow selecting only users managed by the currently logged on user, specify the following in the LDAP filter field:


However, the filter will not limit the displayed user accounts by OUs. All the user accounts managed by the currently logged on user will be available for selection.


Thanks, that works exactly as I wanted it to.

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