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I'm currently using a couple extension attributes to define custom fields, such as Community, Team and Branch. I currently have a defined list of Departments (LDAP attribute "department"), including "Information Services", "Human Resources", etc.
What I'd like to know, is if it's possible to have the "Team" attribute (ldap attribute "extensionAttribute7") populate differently based on the selection of the Department. For example, if I select Information Services in the Department dropdown, I'd like the Team dropdown to only show "Core Infrastructure", "Network Services", etc, instead of showing the full list of Teams from all departments.

I know this sort of thing is possible with PHP and the like, but I'm stumped on doing it in Adaxes. Any help would be greatly appreciated, or an official "No, that's not possible" that I can take back to the Project manager.

Thanks in advance!


by (170 points)

1 Answer

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by (18.0k points)

Hello Dan,

Currently it is impossible. This feature is in our TODO list.

The only thing you can do is to throw an error if the selected Team cannot be used with the selected Department (using Business Rules).

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