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Recently had to rebuild our second Adaxes server, when trying to add a the server back into adaxes domain. The install gets stuck on Instaling AD LDS instance. Getting these errors in the event log

adamsetup 714.B78 0393 08:37:10.421 STATUS: EVENTLOG (Error): ADAM [AdaxesBackend] Replication / DS RPC Client : 1962
Internal event: The local directory service received an exception from a remote procedure call (RPC) connection. Extended error information is not available.
directory service: adadmin1.netr.ecis.police.uk:28866
Additional Data
Error value: The remote procedure call failed. (1726)

i've tested the port using portquery and the adadmin1 server is listening ok. Can't see anything in the logs from the adadmin1 side. Any ideas what you look at?

by (40 points)


i've tested the port using portquery and the adadmin1 server is listening ok

Which port specifically did you check? Did you check accessibility from the computer where you want to install the second Adaxes service or from another computer?

Also, please check whether the Remote Procedure Call (RPC) service is started on adadmin1.



I tested port 28866, i can connect via adsiedit to that server as well.

RPC is running on adadmin1


Judging by the error message, Remote Procedure Call (RPC) is failing. Thus, you need to check whether the 2nd Adaxes server can communicate with the 1st one via RPC ports, which include port 135 and a range of dynamic RPC ports. For more details, see the following FAQ article: What ports does Adaxes use?.



They all work to the dc's. only 135 and 28866 work from adaxes server to server.

The firewall in the way of the two servers allows all traffic.

I assume AD LDS isn't working correctly on adadmin1. Any other tests i could do?


They all work to the dc's. only 135 and 28866 work from adaxes server to server.

The two Adaxes servers need to be able to communicate via the dynamic RPC ports. Have you checked them?


I've check them, they are open as well



Think i've found the problem, its firewall/routing related. thank you for your help

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