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When we create a user account we need our domain user account identity values (email, logon name, and UPN logon name) to be in lower case. Currently, our email, logon name, and UPN logon name values are created in upper first initial of the first name and first letter of last name are in upper case. Where do we make the change so that all letters are lowercase?

by (160 points)

1 Answer

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by (277k points)


Most probably, that is the way you currently have your property patterns configured. For information on how to change the templates for property values generation, have a look at the following tutorial: https://www.adaxes.com/tutorials_SimplifyingDataEntry_ChangeTemplateForAutoGeneratingUsersFullName.htm. On step 2, right-click the property you need (e. g. Email).


Thanks, but the link you sent seems to be the link to my original question instead of the tutorial. Can you resend the link for the tutorial?



Sorry for the confusion, we updated the link in the answer.

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