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I have taken a look at the below help article for configuring password generation parameters, but I am not sure where to add this as a script in Adaxes admin console. Also there is a script which we can use to check the existing parameters, but would like to know the procedure on how/where to add these scripts ?

I am looking specifically for users who try to change password in self-service portal.


Thank you in advance for all the help

by (330 points)

1 Answer

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by (274k points)


would like to know the procedure on how/where to add these scripts ?

You do not need to add the scripts anywhere. You just need to execute them in Windows PowerShell ISE with the required variable values. In case of changing the settings, it needs to be done just once.

I am looking specifically for users who try to change password in self-service portal.

What exactly do you mean?


Thanks understood and got it working now. By portal I meant Password Change portal via Adaxes self service for users.

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