Script repository
Remove spaces from property value and validate it against regular expression
The script removes spaces from a property value, and then validates the result against a regular expression.
Copy group members
Scripts for coping members from one AD group to another.
Make primary SMTP addresses unchangeable
The script will make it impossible for users to change the primary SMTP address of an Exchange mailbox or mail-enabled user.
Users Password Self-Service information
This script e-mails a report on all users and includes information about Password Self-Service enrollment
Create Microsoft 365 contact based on AD contact
The script creates a Microsoft 365 (Office 365) contact based on an existing Active Directory contact.
Temporary group membership
The set of scripts can be used to add users to AD groups for a limited period of time
Create home folder for AD group
The script creates a folder for an AD group and grants the group full access permissions for the folder.
Create groups based on departments of users
The script can be used to add users to groups by department. It adds a user to a group with the same name as the user's department. If a group with the necessary name does not exist it will be created.
Check e-mail domains
This script checks whether e-mail addresses added to a mailbox belong to accepted e-mail domains in Exchange.
Import user photo
The script imports a user's photo into Active Directory from a file.
Import possible values for properties from SQL Database
The script updates allowed property values in a Property Pattern based on the data from MS SQL database.
Create user folder in SharePoint library
This script creates a folder in a SharePoint document library for a user.
Remove permissions for Adaxes service administrators to access user's home directory
The script removes any permissions assigned to Adaxes service administrators to access a user's home directory.
Assign Conferencing Policy in Skype for Business On-Premises
The script assigns a Lync Conferencing Policy to a user.
Search and replace text in Adaxes scripts
The script allows you to find and replace text in scripts executed by Business Rules, Custom Commands and Scheduled Tasks.
Copy permissions between mailboxes
The script copies Send As, Send On Behalf Of and Mailbox Rights permissions of a mailbox to the mailbox of the current user.
Rename SharePoint folder
This script renames a user's SharePoint folder.
Ensure Full Name is unique
This PowerShell script will cancel creation of a new user if another user with the same full name already exists in your Active Directory domain.
Delete Remote Desktop Services profile folder
A script to delete the Remote Desktop Services profile of a user
Approval requests approved during the last X days
The script e-mails a report on approval requests approved during a predefined number of days.