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Script repository

Update country code and country name

February 18, 2021 Views: 8253

The script automatically updates the Country Name (co) and Country Code (countryCode) attributes based on a 2-letter country code specified for Country (c).

By default, when you manually specify a user's country via Adaxes, all the 3 attributes used in Active Directory for a user's country, Country, Country Name and Country Code, are updated together. However, if you specify a country for users automatically, for example, using a business rule, you need to take care of updating all the 3 attributes yourself. This PowerShell script can be used to ease the task.

To run the script as a part of a business rule, scheduled task, or custom command, you need to use the Run a program or PowerShell script action.

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# TODO: Specify country info @{"two-letter country code" = @("Country name", "Country code");
#                             "two-letter country code" = @("Country name", "Country code")}
$countryInfo = @{
    "US" = @("United States", "840");
    "AL" = @("Albania", "8");
    "AR" = @("Argentina", "32");
    "AU" = @("Australia", "36");
    "AT" = @("Austria", "40");
    "BY" = @("Belarus", "112");
    "BE" = @("Belgium", "56");
    "BR" = @("Brazil", "76");
    "BG" = @("Bulgaria", "100");
    "CA" = @("Canada", "124");
    "CL" = @("Chile", "152");
    "CN" = @("China", "156");
    "CO" = @("Colombia", "170");
    "CR" = @("Costa Rica", "188");
    "HR" = @("Croatia", "191");
    "CZ" = @("Czech Republic", "203");
    "DK" = @("Denmark", "208");
    "EE" = @("Estonia", "233");
    "FI" = @("Finland", "246");
    "FR" = @("France", "250");
    "DE" = @("Germany", "276");
    "GR" = @("Greece", "300");
    "HK" = @("Hong Kong", "344");
    "HU" = @("Hungary", "348");
    "IN" = @("India", "356");
    "ID" = @("Indonesia", "360");
    "IE" = @("Ireland", "372");
    "IT" = @("Italy", "380");
    "JP" = @("Japan", "392");
    "KZ" = @("Kazakhstan", "398");
    "KP" = @("Democratic People's Republic of Korea", "408");
    "KR" = @("Republic of Korea", "410");
    "LV" = @("Latvia", "428");
    "LT" = @("Lithuania", "440");
    "MY" = @("Malaysia", "458");
    "MX" = @("Mexico", "484");
    "ME" = @("Montenegro", "499");
    "NL" = @("Netherlands", "528");
    "NZ" = @("New Zealand", "554");
    "NO" = @("Norway", "578");
    "PK" = @("Pakistan", "586");
    "PA" = @("Panama", "591");
    "PE" = @("Peru", "604");
    "PH" = @("Philippines", "608");
    "PL" = @("Poland", "616");
    "PT" = @("Portugal", "620");
    "RO" = @("Romania", "642");
    "RU" = @("Russian Federation", "643");
    "SA" = @("Saudi Arabia", "682");
    "RS" = @("Serbia", "688");
    "SG" = @("Singapore", "702");
    "SK" = @("Slovakia", "703");
    "ZA" = @("South Africa", "710");
    "ES" = @("Spain", "724");
    "SE" = @("Sweden", "752");
    "CH" = @("Switzerland", "756");
    "TW" = @("Taiwan, Province of China", "158");
    "TH" = @("Thailand", "764");
    "TR" = @("Turkey", "792");
    "UA" = @("Ukraine", "804");
    "AE" = @("United Arab Emirates", "784");
    "GB" = @("United Kingdom", "826");
    "VN" = @("VietNam", "704");
    "IL" = @("Israel", "376")} # TODO: modify me
    $country = $Context.TargetObject.Get("c")
    $country = $NULL
if ($country -eq $NULL)
    # Clear country name and country code
    $Context.TargetObject.Put("co", $NULL)
    $Context.TargetObject.Put("countryCode", 0)
    # Update country name and country code
    $Context.TargetObject.Put("co", ($countryInfo[$country])[0])
    $Context.TargetObject.Put("countryCode", ($countryInfo[$country])[1])
# Save changes
Comments 2
Anonymous Mar 22, 2019
This script doesn't have a complete list of countries.
Support Mar 22, 2019


You can update the list of countries specified in the $countryInfo variable the way you need. Each country information should meet the following template:
"two-letter country code" = @("Country name", "Country code"

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