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In the deprovisioning process we add "_" to each email addresses like you see on below script:

# Get mailbox parameters
$mailboxParams = $Context.TargetObject.GetMailParameters()

# Change email adresses
$mailboxParams.EmailAddressPolicyEnabled = $False
$emailAddresses = $mailboxParams.EmailAddresses
for ($i = 0; $i -lt $emailAddresses.Count; $i++)
    $emailAddress = $emailAddresses.GetAddress($i,[ref]"ADS_PROPERTY_NONE")
    $emailAddress.Address = "_" + $emailAddress.Address
$mailboxParams.EmailAddresses = $emailAddresses

But sometimes we have user has X400 an X500 addresses we would like to remove those addresses, how can I do it using Adaxes SDK?

by (510 points)

1 Answer

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by (216k points)
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Like this:

$prefixes = @("x400", "x500") # TODO: modify me

# Get mailbox parameters
$mailboxParams = $Context.TargetObject.GetMailParameters()

# Remove Address with the specified prefixes
$mailboxParams.EmailAddressPolicyEnabled = $False
$emailAddresses = $mailboxParams.EmailAddresses
foreach ($prefix in $prefixes)
    foreach ($emailAddress in $emailAddresses.GetAddressesByPrefix($prefix))

# Change email addresses
for ($i = 0; $i -lt $emailAddresses.Count; $i++)
    $emailAddress = $emailAddresses.GetAddress($i,[ref]"ADS_PROPERTY_NONE")
    $emailAddress.Address = "_" + $emailAddress.Address
$mailboxParams.EmailAddresses = $emailAddresses

# Save changes
$Context.TargetObject.SetMailParameters($mailboxParams, "ADM_SET_EXCHANGE_PARAMS_FLAGS_NONE")

And what if I'd like to change only SMTP addresses, without any changes on X500 and X400?
I mean we add "_" to all SMTP but left X400 and X500 without ant chanes.



# Get mailbox parameters
$mailboxParams = $Context.TargetObject.GetMailParameters()

# Change SMTP email addresses
$mailboxParams.EmailAddressPolicyEnabled = $False
$emailAddresses = $mailboxParams.EmailAddresses
foreach ($emailAddress in $emailAddresses.GetAddressesByPrefix("SMTP"))
    $emailAddress.Address = "_" + $emailAddress.Address
$mailboxParams.EmailAddresses = $emailAddresses

# Save changes
$Context.TargetObject.SetMailParameters($mailboxParams, "ADM_SET_EXCHANGE_PARAMS_FLAGS_NONE")

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