0 votes

I've got the script working as is and would like to add a column to display the number of days left before the password expires. I attempted to use adm-AccountExpiresDaysLeft value reference but it threw an error, probably because I don't know how to convert it to a displayable format.

by (870 points)


For us to help you with a solution, please, specify the version of Adaxes you are currently using. For information on how to check that, have a look at the following help article: https://www.adaxes.com/help/CheckServiceVersion.


We're using version 2019.2.


1 Answer

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by (284k points)


Thank you for specifying. In the version you have, you can use the built-in Password expiration report. By default, the report is located in container Reports\All Reports\Users\Passwords. If this is not exactly what you need or you have issues adjusting the report to meet your needs, please, provide all the possible details regarding the desired report with live examples.

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