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In Web Configuration, under advanced section we have set the Iddle Sessiom time out limit to 20 minutes and also the Authentication idle time out limit to 20 minutes, however when we are logged in to Admin Web Interface in a browser and if thet browser was left running without signing out and closing the browser, that session was still active after many hours.

Could you let us know how to enforce the time out limits for any web interface, means if there is no acitivty for N minutes we want that web interface to return to the Login page automatically to ask for credentials again,

In another Q&A article I was reading that Adaxes support said that there is no such possibiltiy, is that true please confirm it ? ALso if there is any other way we can enforce re-login after session times out ?


by (70 points)

1 Answer

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by (280k points)


I was reading that Adaxes support said that there is no such possibiltiy, is that true please confirm it ?

Yes, we confirm that it is correct.

ALso if there is any other way we can enforce re-login after session times out ?

Unfortunately, there is currently no possibility to enforce re-login or force logout from Adaxes Web Interface the way you need it.


Alright, Thank you !

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