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Hi Adax users are unable to load any exchange information when using the Adaxes front end. When trying to load exchange information or any exchange related task they get the following error: "Connecting to remote server outlook.office365.com failed with the following error message : WinRM cannot complete the operation." Managed o365 tenants is set up and says last AD Connect time was 30 minutes ago.


by (70 points)

1 Answer

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by (298k points)


Unfortunately, this is a known issue that periodically occurs. It is not related to Adaxes and is due to some issues on Microsoft servers used for Microsoft 365. Unfortunately, there is nothing that can be done from the Adaxes side. You just need to wait for the issue to get fixed on the Microsoft side.


How can this be proven? As we have no other issues related to any other microsoft products or services?

Can someone provide more information as to what are the "Microsoft Server issues"... this is a very wide potential cause.

In terms of nothing can be done is that really the case? Will this be affecting ALL Adaxes customers right now?..




As you can see from the error message, it lists server outlook.office365.com. It reflects a Microsoft server that is used for Microsoft 365. A similar issue can happen with on-premises Exchange if WinRM is not configured properly. As such there is an issue with WinRM on the server and only Microsoft can fix it.

It is not necessary that all Adaxes customers will face the same issue because there are lots of Microsoft servers all around the globe and the issue can be only on some of them. It means that you will face the issue only if connected to the server which has the issue.

In Adaxes 2021.1, it is possible to specify the national cloud for your Microsoft 365 tenant. It changing the setting might help remedy the issue.


Hi, I enabled Microsoft 365 request logging results showed:

GET: https://graph.microsoft.com:443/v1.0/organization
GET: https://graph.microsoft.com:443/v1.0/subscribedSkus
GET: https://graph.microsoft.com:443/v1.0/users/...
  • Specify the national cloud for your Microsoft 365 tenant.

I am using Adaxes 2018.2 - could you provide instruction on how to check this?

We have been experiencing this isssue for over two days now and being unable to perform any exchange related tasks via Adaxes is a big issue. I need to make progress on this issue so any additional troubleshooting steps / health checks would be greatly apprecaited..




I am using Adaxes 2018.2 - could you provide instruction on how to check this?

As we mentioned in the previous post, the option is available in Adaxes 2021.1. Unfortunately, there is no such option in Adaxes 2018.2.

We have been experiencing this isssue for over two days now and being unable to perform any exchange related tasks via Adaxes is a big issue.

As one of the possible reasons, it can be that remoting is disabled for Exchange Online in your tenant settings. For details, have a look at the following Microsoft article: https://docs.microsoft.com/en-us/powershell/exchange/disable-access-to-exchange-online-powershell?view=exchange-ps. You need to make sure that access to Exchange Online PowerShell is allowed for the account whose credentials were used to register your Microsoft 365 tenant in Adaxes.



I have already checked this and can confirm RemotePowerShellEnabled : True.

Anything else that i can attempt. Its been 3 days without exchange access now.




It should be enabled for the account whose credentials are specified for the Microsoft 365 tenant registration in Adaxes. The following article by Microsoft should be helpful: https://docs.microsoft.com/en-us/exchange/troubleshoot/administration/bad-request-error-when-connecting-to-exchange-online-powershell. Also, make sure that conditional access and MFA are disabled for the account in Microsoft 365.

In Microsoft 365, the account should be assigned to the Global Administrator role or both User Management and Exchange Admin roles.

If that does not help remedy the issue, we recommend you to contact Microsoft support for further assistance.

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