0 votes


How it works if I have multiple accounts in one domain, and other accounts in others domains managed by Adaxes ?

Thank you.



by (40 points)

1 Answer

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by (286k points)

Hello Pierre,

In terms of licensing, all enabled and not expired user accounts are counted in all the domains managed by Adaxes. If some accounts should not be managed and counted, you can add them to the unmanaged list. For details, have a look at the following help article: https://www.adaxes.com/help/AddUsersToUnmanagedList.

If this is not what you need, please, describe the points you have in all the possible details with live examples.


Thank you for your answer. I'm looking this video : . And I'm trying to imagine what will be the behaviour in the use case I have asked.


Hello Pierre,

Thank you for clarifying. It will work the same no matter how many managed domains you have. You will just need to configure the desired behaviour according to your needs. As a start, you can download and install Adaxes in your AD environment and play with it live. You will have a free 30 days trial period.

If you have issues configuring something specific, please, describe it in details with live examples.

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