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Is there a way to send an email notification when a user is added to a group dynamically (with LDAP filter) , it's work only when i add the user manually

Thank you

by (70 points)


What exactly do you mean by added to a group dynamically (with LDAP filter)? Could you, please, describe the desired workflow in all the possible details with live examples?


For example, i have a group "test" users are provisionning by a rule : (physicalDeliveryOfficeName=Paris). I have create a worflow for send me an email when a user is added to that group and i don't receive anything, but when i disable (physicalDeliveryOfficeName=Paris) and add a member manually i receive the notification...

1 Answer

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by (298k points)
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Thank you for clarifying. Unfortunately, there is no possibility to trigger business rules when membership in a rule-based group is updated based on the specified criteria. As a solution, you can use a scheduled task that will do the following:

  • Send email notifications to group members and mark the users (e.g. by setting a custom Boolean attribute to True).
  • If a user is marked and is no longer a member of the group, the mark will be cleared.

Finally, the scheduled task will look like the following: image.png

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