0 votes

Hi Evryone,

I am trying to set up an external portal within a new webserver on dmz, and with only access to a webservice created from selfservice.

The new webservice is only enable in the webserver on DMZ, and the Access Control is on Deny Access for all users.

When I try to access to the DMZ server selfservice portal, its says"Access is denied. You don't have access to any Web Interfaces." As it is a server suposed to be exposed to public internet, I want that nobody can login, only reset password.

What I am mising there that its not working?

Thanks, 2021-11-26 17_57_25-OutsideSelfService - Configurator.png2021-11-26 17_57_35-Welcome, Please Sign In.png

by (20 points)


This is the correct behavior when the Deny access for all users option is enabled. In this case, nobody can log in to the Web interface. However, it is possible to use the Forgot your password? link on the Web interface page to reset user passwords. image.png


Hi, thanks for your answer.

Actually the link doesnt appear and the component is enabled. I attach two images. On that server only is enabled the new webservice I created

2021-11-26 18_15_04-Welcome, Please Sign In.png2021-11-26 18_15_39-OutsideSelfService - Configurator.png2021-11-26 18_16_37-Presentacion 2021 Madrid CFF Slide manga.indd @ 75%.png



Do we understand correctly that you get the error right after following the Web interface URL? If that is correct, most probably, you have auto-logon enabled. In this case, the sign in page is not displayed. If you need the feature to be enabled for this Web interface for internal use, you can create another Web interface that will be available on the server in the DMZ only, but will have auto-logon disabled. For information on how to enable/disable auto-logon, see section Sign In Settings of the following tutorial: https://www.adaxes.com/tutorials_WebInterfaceCustomization_CustomizeSignInPageAndLogonNameOptions.htm.


Hi again, yes you undestand correctly, but i dont have auto-login enabled:image.png

and as I told you before, I have already created another web interface only available in the DMZ, o special server.

Why is it happening?




Thank you for the provided details. Could you, please, provide the exact URL you are using to access the Web interface?

Also, please, specify the version of Adaxes you are using. For information on how to check that, have a look at the following help article: https://www.adaxes.com/help/CheckServiceVersion.


Yes, shure:

ProductVersion: image.png

Thanks for help!



Thank you for specifying. The URL does not match the one in your screenshots and is not available from the Internet. Please, make sure that you are using the correct URL. To do so, verify the name of the Web interface in the settings:

  1. Open Adaxes Web interface configurator.
  2. In the top left corner, expand the drop-down menu and click Manage Configurations. image.png
  3. Select the Web interface you need and click Rename. image.png
  4. The Web interface name that must be used in the URL will be displayed in the New Name field. image.png

Please log in or register to answer this question.

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