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We are looking for a way to setup a "rename user" in the web interface that also changes the proxy adress. Our emails always include names so they always get changed on name changes. Example: first.lastname@domain.com

We use on prem AD and 365. So when we rename a user (for example last name) we have to go into the attribute editor then the proxy addresses and make the old email (smtp) lowercase. And the new one with (SMTP) uppercase. This will make the old email an alias in 365. Sometimes they need to keep the old email as an alais because they have been using it for years (before married)

So we click on a user to rename them. And if their email address is edited it will change the old email to (smtp) and the new one to (SMTP) ?

smtp:old.email@domain.com SMTP:new.email@domain.com

by (60 points)


It can be done using a business rule triggering after a user is renamed. For us to provide detailed instructions, please, specify what exactly you mean by renaming. Will only first or last name of a user change? Also, please, specify whether the new email address should be formed based on the template first.lastname@domain.com.

Any additional details and live examples will be much appreciated.


Sometimes it is the firstname that changes.

Example: Kiley Smith was written on the initial paperwork for us to make the account but they tell us a month later that their firstname is actually Kileyee or something.

Sometimes it is the last name that changes

Example: Divorce/Marriage. Kiley Smith is now Kiley Doe

It is our practice to make the old misspelled/changed name email an alias to the new one. That way if anyone was emailing the old email they would still get it. Since we sync to on prem AD we have to do this with proxyaddresses and uppercase and lowercase (smtp SMTP)

Also the new email would usually be formed by the new name. Kiley Smith is now Kiley Doe So her email would be kiley.doe@domain.com Her alias would be her old email kiley.smith@domain.com

This would also need to chage their AD username/login name and UPN



Thank you for the provided details. Updating the SMTP addresses can be easily done using the Modify Exchange properties action. As for the username and UPN, a script will be required as they need to be unique forest wide due to AD requirements. For us to write the script, please, specify the templates for username and UPN. Additionally, please, specify what should be done in case if either of the values is not unique after forming according to the template (e.g. a digit can be added until the values are unique).

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