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Is there a way to have a Scheduled Task with 4 different condition? I want to create a scheduled task start every Monday and the condition see:

The next Saturday of the week is the first of the month then take a action The next Saturday of the week is the second of the month then take a different action The next Saturday of the week is the thirt of the month then take a different action The next Saturday of the week is the fourth of the month then take a different action The next Saturday of the week is the fifth of the month then no action

Thanks in advance, Simone

by (430 points)

1 Answer

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by (286k points)
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Hello Simone,

Yes, it is possible. You will need to use a scheduled task executed every Monday. In the task conditions, use the below script to determine whether the next Saturday matches the specified number. In the script, the $requiredNumber variable specifies the number that should be matched.

$requiredNumber = 3 # TODO: modify me

$date = (Get-Date).AddDays(-5)
$weekdayCalc = [int][Math]::Floor($date.Day / 7)
$weekdayNum = if ($date.Day %% 7 -eq 0) {$weekdayCalc} else {$weekdayCalc+1}

$Context.ConditionIsMet = $requiredNumber -eq $weekdayNum

Finally, the scheduled task will look like the following: image.png

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