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Hi there,

I was wondering if you could help me with configuring email addresses when executing business rules.
Our current policy creates email addresses based on first initial, last name format. For example: (John Smith JSmith@contoso.com)
When creating, we sometimes run the issue of having an email address that already exists and creates JSmith1@contoso.com. We then need to change the address manually to include the second initial of the first name to JoSmith@contoso.com, and if that's taken then JohSmith@contoso.com, etc.

Is it possible for Adaxes to pick this up and programmatically change the email address?

http://www.adaxes.com/tutorials_Simplif ... Script.htm
Example 2 is close to what we need but not quite. Need it for unique email addresses and specifying a specific format.

Thank you!

by (20 points)

1 Answer

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by (216k points)


Yes, it is possible. You can use the following script from our Script Repository: http://www.adaxes.com/script-repository ... s-s331.htm. You need to add the Run a program or PowerShell script action that runs the script in your Business Rule that creates the mailboxes, after the action that performs mailbox creation.


Thank you so much!

How would I be able to execute this script after they use the "Show Create Mailbox form after creation" instead of when running this when it creates the mailbox with condition?

Edit: I'd like to describe the ideal situation:

- The administrator goes to the web interface to create a user.
- There's an option to check whether or not the person requires a mailbox. (I think that's here? Asking questions on object creation form)
- If the value is true, then create a mailbox (either with the mailbox form or through the create mailbox rule)
- Depending on which OU the user was selected to be created in, certain mailbox databases can be picked. E.g: If Mexico OU was picked, then have only Mexico Mailbox Databases pickable.
- Run the script you have provided to make sure the email address is fixed.


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