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We encoutered an issue with Adaxes in default configuration.

We are mainly using Adaxes for its REST API, to automate identity lifecycle with our HRIS.

We tried to update sn field for some users via the API, and we ended with broken UPN: all users for which we changed the sn field got their UPN automatically updated to firstname.lasname in a broken way (caps, spaces, accents, etc. still there).

Why did our UPN got updated when we did a SN change? Is it related to Built-in Property Patterns that got enforced even on an API REST attribute change?

If so how to disable it?

by (240 points)

1 Answer

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by (285k points)


For the requests performed via Adaxes REST API, the corresponding property patterns, business rules, etc. apply. Most probably, that is why you got UPNs updated. For details, you can check Adaxes logs: https://www.adaxes.com/tutorials_ActiveDirectoryManagement_ViewADOperationsPerformedViaAdaxes.htm.

If you do not want business rules to trigger and property pattens to apply, you can disable or delete them: image.png


It worth a warning in the REST documentation… I wasn't expected those default patterns, which are set by default, without any match to the organization policy, (and poorly written for people with accent and spaces in their names), would apply to an API call.

Thanks for the answer…



Out of the box, there are no property patterns or business rules that change the UPN property when the sn property is updated. It can only happen if you update the sAMAccountName property. If UPN gets updated when you change only the sn property, there is some custom property pattern or business rule that does the change.

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