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I want to check if a user is alredy a member of a specific group before doing sometings.

This is the piece of code that works well if I execute it on Powershell from the server :

$csvFilePath = "C:\Scripts\GRP_TST01.csv"
$csvFile = Import-Csv $csvFilePath
$members = Get-AdmGroupMember -Identity GRP_TST01 -Adaxesservice localhost
foreach ($user in $csvFile) {
if ($members.name -contains $user.login) {
           Write-Output "$user already members"

The same code with the same csv file is not Working in my Custom Command :

foreach ($user in $csvfile) {  
   if ($members.name -contains $user.login) {
           $Context.LogMessage("$user already member of %cn%.", "Information")

The IF statement is never true so the block {} is not executed...

The code contains a quite similar block that is working. Users are added in the group.

foreach ($user in $csvFile) {
       Add-AdmGroupMember -Identity "%distinguishedName%" -Members $user.Login -Adaxesservice localhost -ErrorAction Continue -Confirm:$False
       $Context.LogMessage($_.Exception.Message, "Warning")

So what's wrong??

Thanks in advance!

by (1.1k points)

When I execute the script from the PowerShell Script Editor it looks PS is not able to read the properties of an object.

Exemple :

Import-module Adaxes
$members = Get-AdmGroupMember -Identity GROUPNAME -Adaxesservice localhost
$members.Name >> c:\temp\members.txt

Results : I do NOT get a list of users with Property 'Name'

Directly on the servers in Powershell.exe

>>Import-module Adaxes
>>$members = Get-AdmGroupMember -Identity GROUPNAME -Adaxesservice localhost
>>$members.Name >> c:\temp\members.txt

Result: The file does contain a list of users.

A bug in Adaxes??

1 Answer

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by (1.1k points)
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Best answer

Finally I did like this :

       $IsMemberofIf = get-admuser -Identity $user.login -Properties memberof -Adaxesservice localhost -ErrorAction Continue
       If ($IsMemberofIf.memberof -like '*CN=%cn%*')

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