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Is there a way to combine the two functions for Unlock, and Password Reset? Most of the time, users lock themselves out because they don't remember the password, so the HelpDesk first Unlocks the account, then they have to do the Reset Password feature.

My thought is that the Unlock screen should end up landing on the Reset Password screen after unlocking the user. That way it saves the HelpDesk from having to click Password Reset, then searching for the user, then changing the password.

Is there any other way to do this?

by (1.4k points)

To follow up on this, and it's a possible workaround on this for me. If you use the Search and Search for a user, I can have both Unlock and Password Reset on the menu. And when you do a Unlock from here, it brings you back to the same screen{Search Results) you were on. Now I can do a password reset for that user without extra clicks. This is faster than using the Unlock, and Password Reset actions from the Home page.

The only question left is, Is there a column I can expose to show if the Account is locked out?

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