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Hello! Hope you doing well.

Currently we struggle to switch the color of our logo based on dark mode or light mode.

I searched the FAQ and following support article: https://www.adaxes.com/help/SetCustomLogoAndColors/

We used a svg which is default dark green. Is there a way to specify which color or even which svg should be choosen if dark mode is enabled?

Thanks for any hints and clarification! Bests, Daniel.

by (190 points)

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by (298k points)
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Hello Daniel,

It is possible to use theme dependent colors. For details, have a look at section How to use theme-dependent colors in SVG logo of the tutorial you referenced. Also, there are examples in the Web interface configurator: image.png


Hello again, i was a little quick on my answer here.

So we set the css classes for the svg but as far as i see there is no way to tell adaxes to use a new color for dark mode.

As i mentioned our logo is dark green and on black background it's quite hard to see.

If i set the color to css class "u-icon-color-accent-1 " it will use this color for both modes. Which is also dark green in our case.

So, is there a way to specify which css class to use on dark mode?

For example if light mode is enabled use dark green logo if dark mode enabled use white logo.

Bests, Daniel.


Hello Daniel,

Unfortunately, there is no possibility to use totally different colors for different themes.


Hi, is there a way to write a feature request for this? Even if it could take a while or won't be considered i would like to do my part in making adaxes even better!

Bests, Daniel.


Hello Daniel,

We have forwarded your suggestion to the corresponding department for consideration.


We are using the svg logo in order to apply theme colors, but the real issue is that we'd prefer a black logo in light mode, and a white logo in dark mode.

In lieu of offering different CSS tags for light/dark mode, could there be a handful of canned adaptive logo colors which change with mode?



If you want to use an SVG logo with your own colors, there is currently no such possibility. It will be available in one of the future releases. If that is not what you need, please, describe the desired behavior in all the possible details with live examples.

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