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Hi all,

I setup some rule-based groups and tried to copy criterias from group A to B. I did it via "copy" and "copy as plain text" option, but everytime pasting is failing : (

Any clue or idea why? image.png

by (1.3k points)

1 Answer

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by (280k points)


It is only possible to copy/paste criteria when HTTPS is enabled for Adaxes Web interface. You can configure SSL on the Adaxes Web interface the way you do it for any other website hosted by IIS. For details on how to enable SSL for an IIS Web Site, see the following article: https://docs.microsoft.com/en-us/troubleshoot/iis/enable-ssl-all-customers.



SSL is already enabled, but we use a reverse proxy at the moment and load balancing traffic. Will check our setup again - or do you have any recommendations?



As per our check, there is nothing else but SSL that can influence copying criteria in Adaxes Web interface. Unfortunately, the only thing about your setup we recommend is checking the documentation for your reverse proxy. There can be some checkbox that needs to be selected or something like that.

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