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On the last working day of a user I should always lock (disable) his account at 5pm local time. Since our company is worldwide, I need a good idea how to easily find out when it is 5pm for this user (always local time). Is there a simple solution in adaxes ?

by (50 points)

1 Answer

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by (298k points)


Unfortunately, there is no such thing out of the box. That is because there is no property actually storing anything about user time zones. As a solution, you can use one of Adaxes custom attributes to store the number of hours in front or behind UTC. However, that is something you will need to keep track of manually including the portion about time changes (summer/winter). If you have that, you can use a script and a scheduled task running hourly.


Thanks for the good tip

Will follow this approach with the Adaxes custom attribute and save the difference to UTC per User OU.

Thanks a lot

Great Support !!



Thank you for your good words, it is much appreciated!

If you have all users separated into OUs by time zones, the whole thing can be done much easier. You can have a separate scheduled task for each of the Ous and the run time of the tasks will be set according to the time difference between the time zone where Adaxes service is installed and the corresponding OU time zone. In this case, you will not need to store anything for users.

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