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I'm currently running a SQL SPROC from within powershell, getting a value, and attempting to assign that value to an AD attribute. Everything goes fine getting the value, but when I call this line:

>Set-AdmUser -Identity %username% -attribute "$value"

I'm informed that the Set-AdmUser cmdlet is not recognized. Which is bizarre, because I'm running this from a PS command in Adaxes.

When I launch PS on the server and load the Adaxes module, that command runs just fine. So I'm not sure what I'm doing wrong here, and I'd like to avoid calling PS from within PS to load the module and run the command.


by (50 points)

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by (280k points)
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The thing is that Adaxes uses PowerShell v.2.0. To use Set-AdmUser cmdlet in PS command in Adaxes you need to add the following line into the beginning of the script:

Import-Module Adaxes

Dangit - I thought the Adaxes module was automatically imported. That did the trick.

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