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Are the logs still accessable using the "logging" link in the administrator console? What about the web console? What is the recommended setting for local log retention if remote logging is enabled? Is there a log cleanup function within ADAXES to cleanup remote logs after they are past our retention requirements?

by (110 points)

1 Answer

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by (15.2k points)

Hello Steve,

Out of the box, the log records are written to the local SQLite database located on the computer where the Adaxes service runs. In this case only the log records from this service are available in logging. When enabling logging to an external MS SQL database, the logs are still written to the local SQLite database, but then synchronized to the external database. This way, if you have multiple services sharing a common configuration, you will have access to all the log records from any Adaxes service.

Are the logs still accessable using the "logging" link in the administrator console?


What about the web console?

The logging is not available in the Adaxes Web interface in either of the cases. However, you can use built-in reports for logging (located in the Reports/All Reports/Miscellaneous/Logging container by default) to view log records in the Web interface.

What is the recommended setting for local log retention if remote logging is enabled?

There are no certain recommendations in this regard. However, it is not recommended to set the retention period too short as in case of some network issues, you may need some time to restore the connection. During that period, the log records will be stored in the local SQLite database and then will be synchronized to the external database as soon as the connection is restored.

Is there a log cleanup function within ADAXES to cleanup remote logs after they are past our retention requirements?

Unfortunately, there is no such functionality in Adaxes. The external MS SQL database should be maintained using native tools.

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