Unfortunately, there is no possibility to adjust date formats for certain properties. For information on how date formats are selected for the Web interface, have a look at the Regional format section of the following FAQ article: https://www.adaxes.com/questions/10438/how-are-web-interface-language-and-date-format-selected. Please, note that if the time part of a date/time value is set to 00:00, the time part is not displayed in the Web interface. For example, in the below screenshot, the CustomAttributeDate1 property value is set to November 17, 2023, 00:00 while the CustomAttributeDate2 property value is set to November 17, 2023, 04:07.

Regarding the arrivalDate property, it looks like it is a string property, not a date/time one. As such, the date/time format is not applied to it.