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I am trying to clear the manager of disabled accounts and created a scheduled task for this image.png

Right now it is failing for all users (currently 4 in total) image.png

With error message

Property Patterns Processor: Property ''Manager'' is required.


Any clue? I tried this also during update/business rule but same error. Then I created this task but it won't also remove/clear the manager.

All user still have the attribute set.

by (1.3k points)

1 Answer

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by (280k points)


The behavior is expected as you made the manager property mandatory in Adaxes via property patterns. The following tutorial will be helpful: https://www.adaxes.com/help/MakePropertyRequiredAndSpecifyFormat.


Well spotted ... I had the scope setting with subtree and the Leavers OU was included.

Excluded the OU and working well!

Thanks : )

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