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So what is the bestway of establishing multiple ownership over user objects? I can assign each user a single owner, but then there is no way to assign a 2nd manager to manage those users, in case the first one is sick etc.

related to an answer for: How to add multiple managers to a user?
by (280 points)

1 Answer

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by (15.2k points)

Hello Dominik,

There is no possibility to specify multiple objects in the Manager property of a user. The only way to allow multiple accounts to manage a single user is to specify a group in the Manager property and add the required managers to the group.



I tried that exactly that, but if I try to build a business Unit that displays users that are managed by that group, it doesn't work.

When I build a query that searches for users with the manager in the Manager attribute, it returns 0.

I'm not able to search for Groups when querying for users in the manager attribute.


Hello Dominik,

For us to suggest a solution, please, clarify what you are trying to achieve. Do we understand correctly that you need to create a business unit that displays all subordinates of a certain user?


Hello Adaxex,

that is what I'm trying to accomplish yes. I'm trying to build this dynamically for a management role, and a group with multiple managers. So all I have to do is assign a Manager a certain group, and he/she will have access to all the AD objects that are managed by that group.


Hello Dominik,

Sorry for the confusion, but there is no possibility to specify multiple managers for a single user. As such, there is not possibility to create the described business unit. However, you can specify multiple object owners. It is not the same as user account managers. User objects can only have managers, but not owners. For more details about object owners, have a look at the following help article: https://www.adaxes.com/help/ObjectOwners.

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