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We've the following script we want to use in Adaxes to create as part of user creation, to ask if the user will need a AWS workspace, then asks employeetype for different WS directory, and then computetype to create workspace.

How can I include this as a form based checkmarks or drop-down menus selectable by our helpdesk, the script works when I test it on the Adaxes host-




$Creds = (Use-STSRole -RoleArn "arn:aws:iam::*******424:role/ws_adaxes" -RoleSessionName adaxes).Credentials

if ( $employeeType -like 'Employee' )
    $directoryId = 'd-*******07a'
} elseif ($employeeType -like 'Contractor')
    $directoryId = 'd-******d2'

if ( $computeType -like 'Power' )
    $bundleId = 'wsb-drh4m5c2r'
} elseif ($computeType -like 'PowerPro')
    $bundleId = 'wsb-f5g1109b5'

$newWorkspaceOut = New-WKSWorkspace -Workspace @{"BundleID" = "$bundleId"; "DirectoryId" = "$directoryId"; "UserName" = "$userName"; "RootVolumeEncryptionEnabled" = $TRUE; "UserVolumeEncryptionEnabled" = $TRUE; "VolumeEncryptionKey"= "alias/aws/workspaces"; "WorkspaceProperties"=@{"RunningMode"="AUTO_STOP"}} -Credential $creds

   $Context.LogMessage("Failed to create workspace.", "Error")
   $Context.LogMessage($newWorkspaceOut.FailedRequests.errorMessage, "Error")
  $Context.LogMessage("Created workspace", "Information")
by (20 points)

1 Answer

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by (286k points)


It can only be done using properties on the user creation form. The following tutorial should be helpful: https://www.adaxes.com/help/CustomizeFormsForUserCreationAndEditing. For example, you can use Adaxes custom attributes (e.g. CustomAttribtueText1, CustomAttribtueBoolean1, etc.). They work similar to AD ones in Adaxes and are not available outside the software. Your script can then be executed in a business rule triggering After creating a user. To obtain the attribute values in the script, you can use value references.


This script was just an example, I've other PS scripts that accepts parameters which would looks like this - \script.ps1 -parameter1 value -parameter2 value

Is there better article with screenshots how we can relate parameters between PS script and Adaxes, and not necessarily a AD property or parameter?




Unfortunately, there are no such articles. At the same time, whenever it is not a custom command parameter and not a custom command parameter value it is something custom requested externally. In such cases the approaches used in Windows PowerShell should work just fine in Adaxes scripts.

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