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Hi again :-)

It seems that Web interafces is very slow for any kind of operation (search, modifiy) when the user is part of several ACL in Adaxes.
It took me some time to consider this issue as i always test with my account which is superadmin, and in that case it's ok.
Is there any special consideration to optimize speed for regular users ? Thery are complaining a lot for the moment and i'm afraid they stop using the tool if nothing is done.

Thanks for your help.


by (800 points)

Hello Stephen,

The performance significantly depends on the role assignment type. Do you have any roles assigned over query-based Business Units?
Can you backup your configuration and send it to me? We'll analyze the assignments and advise you how to improve the performance.


Yes we use query based BU. I can send you the configuration, that's not a problem. Does it make sense in terms of performance to change query based BU (include by query) to container BU (include all children of) ?


Yes, it does.

1 Answer

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by (18.0k points)

We just had a lengthy discussion about performance issues related to Security Roles. We came up with a solution on how to significantly improve access control checks. We decided to include the improvements in 2012.1.
Thank you for raising the problem!



Yesterday we released Adaxes 2012.1. In the new version we improved the performance of access control checks made by Adaxes. This has significantly boosted the overall performance of Adaxes Web Interface

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