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I'm working on a new user creation form for the help desk. I'm having them select the department number the new hire will be in. Once user is created, I want the department name to be auto-populated based on the number. Would this be done under Business Rules > After User Creation, doing else if statements or is there a easier way? Example: Dept ID 1 = IT, 2 = Finance, 3 = HR etc.

by (330 points)

1 Answer

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by (292k points)


Using built-in actions/conditions in a business rule triggering After creating a user is the easiest option. As an alternative, you can use a PowerShell script in the same business rule.


Do you have a base script template for something like this?



Unfortunately, we do not have a template like that, but the following article should be helpful: https://adaxes.com/sdk/ServerSideScripting.

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