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The closest operation I figure is "modfying exchange properties" of a user but not sure how I can filter the conditions to match. It's possible I could block all exchange edits except the calendar modification but was hopefully looking for a more elegant solution possibly using a powershell script condition with the context? Was also looking at adm-MsExchMailboxCalendarPermissions but havent played around with that yet.

by (280 points)

1 Answer

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by (284k points)


Your approach is correct. In the business rule triggering After updating Exchange properties of a user, execute the below script in the If PowerShell script returns true condition:

$modifiedMailboxParams = $Context.Action.MailParameters
$Context.ConditionIsMet = $modifiedMailboxParams.CalendarSettingsModificationEnabled

Is it possible to essentially run a dif on the values before and after so that I can send an approval mentioning only the added user? Cant seem to get $Context.GetModifiedPropertyValues working properly.



Unfortunately, there is no such possibility. The approval email body is generated automatically and there is no way to modify it. At the same time, each request will include information only on a single user being updated.

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