0 votes


We're just getting started evaluating Adaxes and I'm wondering if it's possible to use a custom script to generate user passwords. In my org, we've been using word based passwords, and I have a pre-existing function to generate them (below). Ideally, I'd like Adaxes to use this if we can.

function New-RandomPassword
    param (
        [int]$MinimumLength = 12

    # Define the URL for the word list
    $WordListUrl = "https://www.eff.org/files/2016/07/18/eff_large_wordlist.txt"

    # Download the word list
        $WordList = Invoke-WebRequest -Uri $WordListUrl -UseBasicParsing -ErrorAction Stop | ForEach-Object { $_.Content }

        # Split the word list into an array of words
        $Words = $WordList -split "`n" | ForEach-Object {
            $split = $_ -split "`t"
                Number = $split[0]
                Word   = $split[1]

        # Select three random words from the list
        $RandomWords = Get-Random -InputObject $Words -Count 2

        # Capitalize the first letter of each word
        $CapitalizedWords = $RandomWords.Word | ForEach-Object { $_.Substring(0, 1).ToUpper() + $_.Substring(1) }

        # Join the capitalized words with hyphens
        $Password = $CapitalizedWords -join "-"

        # Add a random digit to the end
        $RandomDigit = Get-Random -Minimum 0 -Maximum 9
        $Password += "-$RandomDigit"

        # Ensure the password is at least 12 characters
        if ($Password.Length -lt $MinimumLength)
            $Password = ($CapitalizedWords -join "-") + "-$RandomDigit"
        Write-Warning "Error downloading word list. You will have to manually enter a first time password for this user."
        $Password = Read-Host "Enter Initial Password"
    return $Password
by (50 points)

In case anyone else is looking to do the same, here is PS for the "Before creating a user" business rule I ended up using. I'm sure this could be improved on but it works for our use:

$MinimumLength = 12

    # Define the URL for the word list
    $WordListUrl = "https://www.eff.org/files/2016/07/18/eff_large_wordlist.txt"

    # Download the word list
        $WordList = Invoke-WebRequest -Uri $WordListUrl -UseBasicParsing -ErrorAction Stop | ForEach-Object { $_.Content }

        # Split the word list into an array of words
        $Words = $WordList -split "`n" | ForEach-Object {
            $split = $_ -split "`t"
                Number = $split[0]
                Word   = $split[1]

        # Select three random words from the list
        $RandomWords = Get-Random -InputObject $Words -Count 2

        # Capitalize the first letter of each word
        $CapitalizedWords = $RandomWords.Word | ForEach-Object { $_.Substring(0, 1).ToUpper() + $_.Substring(1) }

        # Join the capitalized words with hyphens
        $Password = $CapitalizedWords -join "-"

        # Add a random digit to the end
        $RandomDigit = Get-Random -Minimum 0 -Maximum 9
        $Password += "-$RandomDigit"

        # Ensure the password is at least 12 characters
        if ($Password.Length -lt $MinimumLength)
            $Password = ($CapitalizedWords -join "-") + "-$RandomDigit"
    $Context.SetModifiedPropertyValue("unicodePwd", $Password)
    $Context.LogMessage("Password for new user %sAMAccountName% set to $($Password)", "Information")
    $Context.SendMail("%adm-InitiatorEmail%", "New Account: %sAMAccountName%", "User: %sAMAccountName%`nPass: $Password",$null)
        $Context.LogMessage("Error downloading word list. You will have to manually enter a first time password for this user.",2)


We recommend you to move the script to a business rule triggering After creating a user and update it accordingly. This way, the email will not be sent in case the user creation fails and the recipients will not go to check for the user before it actually exists.

1 Answer

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by (285k points)
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Best answer


It should work just fine except for the catch block. The thing is that user interaction is prohibited in Adaxes scripts. Also, Write-Host and Read-Host cmdlets do not work in Adaxes. You can make an output to the execution log using method $Context.LogMesage. For details on how to execute a script in Adaxes upon user creation, see https://www.adaxes.com/help/RunPowerShellScriptAfterCreatingUser.


Thanks for that quick response!

I figured I'd have to tweak it a bit, thanks for giving me a head start on that. If I go this route, could I still use this procedure https://www.adaxes.com/help/SendInitialPasswordToNewUsers/, or would I need to incorporate emailing the new password as part of my custom password generation script?

I'm assuming it's the latter since %unicodePwd% wouldn't be set to the password my custom generation script creates?



Your assumption is correct. In this case, the only option to send the password via email is by doing so in the script where the password is generated.


If you want a much more random password, use the API at makemeapassword.ligos.net. Here's how we generate passphrases such as Lantern-clothed-lowered8

try {
    $url = "https://makemeapassword.ligos.net/api/v1/passphrase/json?s=normal&ups=1&whenup=startofword&wc=3&nums=1&whennum=endofphrase"
    $newPass = Invoke-RestMethod $url -ErrorAction Stop

    if ($newPass.Error) {        
        throw [System.Exception]::new("Failed to request new password for $samAccountName. Error: $($newPass.Error)")        

   $newPass = ConvertTo-SecureString -AsPlainText ([string]$newPass.pws).Replace(" ", "-") -Force

catch {
    $Context.Cancel("Failed to request a password for $samAccountName")

Set-AdmAccountPassword -Identity $samAccountName -NewPassword $newpass -Reset

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