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I have a scheduled task that runs a custom command that itself has multiple custom commands that run in a specific timed order. I would like the scheduler to run that top level custom command async (run on all targets at once) but the nested commands to run syncronously.

Scheduled task: run Command 1 async

Command 1: run Command A sync run Command B sync run Command C sync

If the scope include 10 targets, I want Command 1 run 10 times immediatly, which would trigger Command A 10 times, but Command B and C will wait for Command A to finish.

Is this possible?

by (100 points)

1 Answer

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by (292k points)


Yes, it is possible. You just need to configure the custom command in the scheduled task to be executed asynchronously while actions in the command should have the option disabled. No other settings are required.

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