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I have tried several ways to create a report but cannot achieve what I want. The situation is that we have groups and all members of this group can manage some groups in Adaxes, i.e. add or delete members. However, each request has to be approved by IT. Is it possible to create a report that shows open requests that have been started by the group members? In other words, as soon as the report is run, group member 1 can see that group member 2 has requested that a user be deleted from group yyy and that group member 3 has requested that a user be added to group xxx (only requests that have not yet been treated by IT).


by (300 points)

1 Answer

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by (283k points)


In general, it is possible. However, there is no possibility to directly filter out the approval requests when searching. It is required to go through each and every existing pending request and check the target object. It will work fine if you do not have a lot of requests. However, if the total number of pending approval requests you have is significant, the report will take very long time to generate and will be pretty much useless. As an option, you can try using the following solution: https://www.adaxes.com/help/AllPendingApprovalRequests.

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