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in our company there is a policy: only disabled accounts can be deleted.
Now my problem:
I created 2 business units: "Enabled Accounts" and "Disabled Account".
To enforce the policy I'm looking for a possibility to restrict the available actions.
That means for the business unit "Enabled Accounts" only the action "Disable" should be available/visible.
And for the business unit "Disabled Accounts" only the action "Delete" should be available.
But I don't find any possibility to restrict the access.

Many thanks.

by (460 points)

1 Answer

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by (286k points)
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Best answer

Hello Horst,

There is no possibility to restrict operations visibility based on Business Unit membership.

As a workaround, you can use Business Rules that will trigger before disabling/deleting user accounts and cancel the operation if the user is member of the corresponding Business Unit. If this solution meets your needs, we will provide you with detailed instructions.


Ok, many thanks.


Hello Horst,

Could you specify whether you need detailed instructions on creating the Business Rules we referenced?



many thanks for your support.
I'm able to create such a BR.
You can mark the ticket as resolved. :D


I was to quick with my last post :(
I would like to inform the initiator about the canceled action.
Is there a way to show an error message?


Hello Horst,

The reason for operation cancellation can be specified in the settings of the Cancel operation action.

The reason will be displayed in the Execution log.


The message for the initiator is ok (wimessage), but the log does not show the same information (logmessage)


Hello Horst,

The information is displayed in the Operation execution log. To view it, double-click the log record.


I'm testing your PS script to export logging data into csv. The "original" script does' not list the status and not this specific information.
Is is possible to add these fields with "household remedies" or do I have to use an external tool?


Hello Horst,

We have updated the script in our repository. Now the CSV file will also contain operation state. You can find the script here: http://www.adaxes.com/script-repository ... v-s183.htm.

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