0 votes

how to automatically grant a user's manager access to their network drive and onedrive during a user's deprovisioning. I don't want to manually grant access to the user's network drive on an on-prem file server and onedrive. Can this be incorporated in the user deprovisioning script?

by (20 points)

1 Answer

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by (298k points)


It should be possible using PowerShell scripts. Unfortunately, we do not have anything on OneDrive in our repository, but Script 1: Manager and additional delegates from the following article should be helpful: https://www.adaxes.com/script-repository/grant-access-to-user-s-home-folder-s15.htm.


I had similar request last week and wrote this PowerShell Script with ChatGPT.

You need to connect to SPO first (connect and disconnect commented out).

# Requires the SharePoint Online Management Shell
# Ensure you have the required permissions to manage OneDrive access

# Define logging function
Function Write-Log {
    param (
        [string]$Level = "INFO"
    $Timestamp = (Get-Date -Format "yyyy-MM-dd HH:mm:ss")
    Write-Host "$($Timestamp) [$($Level)] $($Message)"
    "$($Timestamp) [$($Level)] $($Message)" | Out-File -Append -FilePath "onedrive_access.log"

# Debug function
Function Debug-Mode {
    param (
    $script:Debug = $Enable

# Grant Full Access to OneDrive
Function Grant-OneDriveAccess {
    param (
        [string]$AdminSiteUrl,  # SharePoint Admin Center URL
        [string]$TargetUserUPN, # User B's UPN
        [string]$AccessUserUPN  # User A's UPN

    try {
        Write-Log "Connecting to SharePoint Admin Center..."
        #Connect-SPOService -Url $AdminSiteUrl

        Write-Log "Constructing OneDrive URL for $($TargetUserUPN)..."
        # Construct the OneDrive URL assuming standard tenant URL pattern
        $TenantName = ($AdminSiteUrl -split '-admin\.')[0] -replace 'https://', ''
        $OneDriveUrl = "https://$($TenantName)-my.sharepoint.com/personal/$($TargetUserUPN -replace '@', '_' -replace '.com','_com')/" # CHANGE IF NEEDED

        Write-Log "OneDrive URL constructed: $($OneDriveUrl)"

        Write-Log "Granting $($AccessUserUPN) full control to $($TargetUserUPN)'s OneDrive ($($OneDriveUrl))..."
        if ($Debug) {
            Write-Log "Debug mode enabled. Skipping permission assignment." "DBG"
        } else {
            Set-SPOUser -Site $OneDriveUrl -LoginName $AccessUserUPN -IsSiteCollectionAdmin $true -ErrorAction Stop
            Write-Log "$($AccessUserUPN) granted full control to $($TargetUserUPN)'s OneDrive." "INFO"
    } catch {
        Write-Log "Error: $($_.Exception.Message)" "ERR"
    } finally {
        Write-Log "Disconnecting from SharePoint Online..."

# Main script
Function Main {
    param (
        [string]$AdminSiteUrl,  # Example: "https://tenant-admin.sharepoint.com"
        [string]$TargetUserUPN, # User B's UPN
        [string]$AccessUserUPN, # User A's UPN

    Debug-Mode -Enable:$EnableDebug

    Write-Log "Processing: Granting $($AccessUserUPN) access to $($TargetUserUPN)'s OneDrive..."
    Grant-OneDriveAccess -AdminSiteUrl $AdminSiteUrl -TargetUserUPN $TargetUserUPN -AccessUserUPN $AccessUserUPN

    Write-Log "Script execution completed." "INFO"

# Example usage
# Provide the SharePoint Admin Center URL and input UPNs
# Debug mode can be enabled to simulate actions without applying changes

$AdminSiteUrl = "https://YOURTENANT-admin.sharepoint.com"
$TargetUserUPN = "" # Replace with User B's UPN
$AccessUserUPN = "" # Replace with User A's UPN
$EnableDebug = $false

Main -AdminSiteUrl $AdminSiteUrl -TargetUserUPN $TargetUserUPN -AccessUserUPN $AccessUserUPN -EnableDebug:$EnableDebug

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