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I've set it up using this tutorial https://www.adaxes.com/tutorials_Simpli ... Office.htm

It almost works perfectly on user creation, however the street portion never sets although it shows that it does.

Postal code, state/province, and city set as expected.

by (100 points)


Could you post here or send us (support[at]adaxes.com) screenshots of the Property Pattern and Custom Command (Business Rule or Scheduled Task) you have created?


Sent screenshots to support@addaxes.com



The correct email address of Adaxes support is support[at]adaxes.com. Make sure, you re-send the screenshots to it.



The correct email address of Adaxes support is support[at]adaxes.com. Make sure, you re-send the screenshots to it.

Sorry, sent it again!

1 Answer

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by (280k points)
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Best answer


According to your screenshots, the Business Rule is configured correctly. Which property did you check after creating a user? As we can see the rule is updating the Street property (LDAP name street), not the Street Address one (LDAP name streetAddress).


Aha! Good catch, thank you!

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