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I seem to be getting an error when trying to export the Inactive Computers report and choosing the option "Select all objects on all pages." I've set my page size to 10 or 100 (there are more than 100), and while the selection works, Exporting to CSV gives the error:

"Failed to load selected objects due to the following error: The specified method is not supported. (Server: mydomain.com)"

If I just export the first 100, it works. I also noticed Print Report doesn't work in a similar fashion and get the following error-

"Sys.WebForms.PageRequestManagerServerErrorException: An unknown error occurred while processing the request on the server. The status code returned from the server was: 500"

Is this due to an IIS configuration?


by (80 points)


What columns are displayed in the report?


When I received the error, I had Parent and Description enabled.

I disabled all columns to just show the names and got the error again. It only happens when I try Select all objects on all pages.

Hmm, interestingly enough, when I set Page Size to 100, it shows several pages: Show More, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, ...

When I click 2, 3, 4 or 5- I get an error:

However, when I click Show More, it properly shows 100 + 100 entries, and puts the underline mark under 1 and 2. I can click Show More again and again until all items are displayed, select all and then output to CSV. A bit wonky of a workaround.

1 Answer

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by (18.0k points)


We managed to reproduce the problem on Windows 2008 R2 domain. Do you have 2008 R2 domain controllers?
A fix for the issue will be available in the next minor release that is scheduled for the beginning of the next week.
Thanks for the bug report!


Yup, we have Windows 2008 R2 domain controllers.

Thanks Eugene!



Today we released a minor update for 2012.1 that includes a fix for the problem.

You can download the latest build here.
Upgrade instructions.

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