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Hey all,

I would like to select the default computer OU as a Assignment scope for a security role. I can select every other object and OU expect this. Is there a way to select it? domain.com\computers

Other top level OUs are selectable, such as domain.com\users, just not computers.

I would like to allow users to move computers from the default OU to an OU and sub-OUs they control only.

The permissions work if I give assignments over all objects, but then they can dump the computers anywhere.


by (50 points)

1 Answer

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by (280k points)
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Hello Dennis,

This happens because by default, the objects of Container type are not displayed when you are selecting the Assignment Scope. To display containers, expand the Object types drop-down menu and select the Container Object type.


I don't have the option of selecting containers unfortunately.


Hello Dennis,

You need to select the Show all object types checkbox and then select Container.


That did the trick. Thanks for the assistance.

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