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I am looking for ways to troubleshoot Adaxes 2018 search performance. Functionality is great, but the time it takes to show a result is not acceptable, basically main reason preventing us from upgrading Adaxes 2017.
Quick search on Adaxes 2017 can return a result in 1-2 seconds, whereas the new one takes 6-10 and sometimes even more.

The new test server that has blank configuration has 8 cores, 8GB ram - way more than 2017 version. I have set one DC (the nearest one) for communications, but that did not make a difference.
Anything else should be checked for optimizations?
Can you please advice on how to improve search speed and what it relies on?

by (760 points)


For troubleshooting purposes, could you provide us with all the possible details on how exactly you perform the search? Screenshots would be very helpful. You can post them here or send to our support email (support[at]adaxes.com).


Please see the videos showing search differences between Adaxes test (2018) and prod (2017).

1 Answer

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by (285k points)
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Best answer


Thank you for the provided details and pointing out the issue. We will investigate the possibilities to improve the search feature in future releases. For now, you can improve the search timing by limiting Quick Search with specific objects (e.g. users and contacts). To do so:

  1. Open Adaxes Web interface Configurator.
  2. In the top left corner, select the Web Interface you need.
  3. In the left pane, click Search.
  4. In the Search section, activate the Quick Search tab.
  5. Clear all the checkboxes except for the People one.
  6. Save the changes.


We found the root cause of the issue and it will be fixed in Adaxes 2018.2. Once again, thank you for reporting the issue.


Great news. I love how responsive you are with the issues pointed out.
Do you have any ETA for 2018.2?



Thank you for your good words, much appreciated!

We are making our best to make Adaxes 2018.2 available as soon as possible. Currently, release of the update is planned for October.



Adaxes 2018.2 is now available for download!

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