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is there a char sequence to escape URL string from being converted to Adaxes expresions in HTML email?
I want to add a linke (sample below) to the HTML email, but get error because of '%' characters being treated as start and end of expressions.

by (760 points)

1 Answer

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by (285k points)
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Each % sign is considered by Adaxes as a beginning of a value reference. For your link to work correctly you need to replace each % character in it with %%. Finally, your link will look like the following: http://hostname/Query/List.rails?class_name=System.User&page=-1&attributes=_EmployeeID%%2CTitle%%2CName%%2CUserType.Title%%3AUser%%20Type%%20Title%%2CEMailAddress%%2C_Location._Location%%3ALocation%%20Location%%2CManager.Title%%3AManager%%20Title%%2C_Location._Region._Region%%3ALocation%%20Region%%20Region%%2C_UserStatus._Status1&sort_by=Title&hide_filters=False&query_changed=False&currentShortcutItem=cc659e1b-eb96-421e-97d6-8b19404d6bff%%2Ccc659e1b-eb96-421e-97d6-8b19404d6bff&cns=_EmployeeID-c-0-_a_Title-c-1-_a_Name-c-2-


Great. Thanks!

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